Together with researchers from the Newcastle University (Anna Vasilchenko), the Dutch National Research Institute on Mathematics & Computer Science (Jie Li), the University of Tsukuba (Bektur Ryskeldiev, Sayan Sarcar & Yoichi Ochiai), the Keio University (Kai Kunze) and the Harvard University (Iulian Radu), we are organising a Special Interest Group at ACM CHI2020.
In this SIG, we aim at gathering researchers and practitioners to reflect on using XR technologies to support collaborative learning and co-creation, and to foster a joint force by connecting the Learning and Education community and the XR community at CHI. We witness a significant increase in CHI publications relating to these research areas: 292 titles about “collaborative learning” or “co-creation” since 2015 compared to 96 in 2010-2014; and 1180 titles about XR since 2015 compared to 288 in 2010-2014. This SIG will bring together researchers, educators, designers and practitioners to 1) stimulate a cross-disciplinary discussion on the opportunities of collaborative learning and co-creation in XR; 2) foresee the future directions, standards and obstacles to introduce XR to education; and 3) build a joint community connecting XR and education research at CHI.
Please contact us for more details: